Peter A Koretsky, MD PA - Gastroenterology

Virtual Check-In at

Please be sure to verify your device setup against the requirements listed below. You can also test your setup with the links provided just above this section.

Click On the Provider's Name You are Scheduled With:

System/Device Requirements

  • Smartphone / Tablet: Patients will need to use their device’s browser. Patients will also need to allow camera and microphone access.
  • Computer / Laptop: A webcam and microphone will be needed. Patients will need to use one of the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Patients will also need to allow camera and microphone access.

Internet Speed Requirements:

Patients will need a minimum, steady internet speed of 3-4 Mbps download and upload. Patients may experience more intermittent issues if they use any of the following:

  • Wifi: If the patient is using wifi internet, they should remain as close to the wireless access point (usually a router) as they can for the best signal strength.
  • Satellite: If the patient is using satellite internet, they may experience intermittent service, especially if there are clouds in the area or anything else that could interfere with the satellite signal.
  • Cell Service: If the patient is in a heavily fortified building, or building with other items/signals that could interfere with their cell signal. If they experience any issue, they should try to move closer to a window, patio or other area that is more open, as long as they are aware of others around them and what information others may overhear.

Telemed Consent

Please be sure to sign a consent for telemed services. If you have not received an email from us through DocuSign, please contact our office through the patient portal, or by calling our office.

Self Pay Patients

If you are a self-pay patient, you will need to make your pre-payment, prior to the appointment. You can contact our office to arrange payment via telephone, or you can make at paymevt via our online payment portal.

Check Your Speeds

You can check your internet speeds at the following wesbite: